About and FAQ

People asked me: “I thought Han’s style kungfu just teaches forms? How come your students have such high combative skills?”


I responded: “Because we teaches Traditional GuoShu.”


- Han Ji Xiang 韓基祥 -

What is Chángquán?

Changquan is an ancient style of traditional Chinese martial arts style that’s popular in the Northern part of China. It is the source of all Chinese martial arts styles, the oldest form of transforming weapons into bare-handed techniques.

"Long Fist is like water, capable of transforming all things and embracing countless rivers. It transforms the techniques of weapons into empty-hand forms, serving as the very source of combat methods. Its strikes extend far and wide, promoting the smooth flow of qi and blood. Through training, one can illuminate the true self, observing both within and out, thereby achieving: strengthen the heart through martial arts, cultivating virtue through martial arts, and attaining the Tao through martial arts."

This is the “Tao of Chángquán” comprehended by Shifu Han JiXiang!



此為韓基祥師父所參悟的 「長拳道」!

How does Chángquán Shú Work?

Chángquán Shú operates similarly to an online university, like the University of Phoenix or NYU Online, with a proven effective training method. The program is subscription-based, offering both monthly and yearly billing options. Cohorts are organized into small groups of 10-20 students. Every week, at a designated time, a new pre-recorded lesson is made available for cohorts to stream and watch at their convenience. Each lesson lasts about 35-45 minutes and includes warm-ups, strength-building drills, lectures, forms, and applications.

At the end of each lesson, Shifu assigns training homework to the students. They then have one week to practice, record their homework using their phone or any recording device, and upload the videos to a privately shared Google Drive folder by the designated weekly deadline. Shifu reviews all submitted homework videos, takes notes, and provides personalized feedback through a short 5-10 minute video sent to the cohorts. This cycle repeats weekly.

There are several significant advantages to this training method compared to traditional teaching methods, whether in-person or through typical online training:

  1. English Subtitled: Shifu speaks in his native language, with english subtitles translated by martial arts experts (not just any Enlgish/Chinese translator).

  2. Flexible Time: Lessons are pre-recorded, allowing students to stream and watch at their convenience.

  3. Self-Examination: By recording and reviewing their own homework videos, students can self-examine and correct mistakes, which is not achievable through traditional training methods or even by practicing in front of a mirror.

  4. Frame-by-Frame Review: Shifu can review students' training homework frame by frame, a level of detail not possible in person. Some Shifu even take screenshots of the exact moment a mistake is made, providing valuable visual feedback for students.

  5. Rewatch-ability: Unlike in-person teaching, where students may struggle to remember the material after class, streaming video lessons allow students to rewatch as many times as they wish.


每節課結束時,師父會給學生布置訓練作業。學生需要在一週內練習,並使用手機或任何錄影設備錄製作業視頻,然後在指定的每週截止日期前將視頻上傳到私人共享的Google Drive雲端資料夾中。師父會審查所有提交的作業視頻,做筆記,並通過一個5至10分鐘的短視頻為學員提供個性化反饋。這個循環每週重複。


1. 靈活的時間安排:課程是預錄的,忙碌的現代人可以按自己的時間安排觀看。

2. 自我檢查:通過錄製和查看自己的作業視頻,學生可以自我檢查並糾正錯誤,這是傳統訓練方法甚至是在鏡子前練習所無法實現的。

3. 逐幀審查:師父可以逐幀審查學生的訓練作業,這在面對面教學中是無法做到的。有些老師甚至會截取視頻中錯誤發生的精確時刻的截圖,這對學生來說是非常有幫助的。

4. 重複觀看:與實體教學不同,學生在課後經常會難以記住所教的內容。通過串流視頻課程,學生可以無限次地重複觀看。

What are the differences between traditional Changquan and Hanmen Changquan?

Due to its long history, Changquan has evolved into various styles with different appearances, including fitness, self-defense, performance, competition, and health maintenance. This diversity makes it difficult for the public to discern the primary training focus of the Changquan they learn. Hanmen Changquan originates from the Central Martial Arts Academy, the highest martial arts institution in early modern China, and emphasizes practical combat, hence it is also known as "Combat Changquan."


Shifu Han Ji-Xiang

Han Jixiang, the direct grandson of modern Chángquán grandmaster Han Qingtang, inherited his family’s martial arts tradition from a young age. He also studied under more than ten renowned masters from different styles, deeply understanding martial arts. He graduated with top honors from Taiwan's only martial arts department. Currently, he is the head of Hanmen Martial Arts Academy and is recognized by the martial arts community as the current head of the direct lineage of Hanmen Changquan.


Condensed program

Traditionally, Chángquán training would take at a decade or longer to developed decent Chángquán skills. In the modern days, the martial scene is no longer the same as the old days. It is rare and difficult for general martial arts enthusiasts (non-professionals) to dedicate 10+ years of time to follow the traditional training procedures under a master... We carefully examine the traditional curriculums and training methods, combined with modern training mindset. We designed an optimized curriculum that only teaches the “real stuff”(in which are usually the hard and not so fun stuff) within a condensed training timeline. With the goal to pass down the correct knowledge of authentic traditional Chángquán,


Who is Chángquán Shu for?

Basically anyone who has a passion in TCMA, for all ages and gender. Chángquán's biomechanics is complementary to other styles and even sports and dance arts. However, Chángquán training is intensive on the lower body strength development, especially on the knees. If you have previous knee injuries, please notify Tsáng Wǔ Gé admin before begin lessons.


Is Chángquán practical?

It depends on the lineage of the Changquan being studied. Some Changquan focuses on performance and competition. The Changquan passed down by Hanmen, however, centers its techniques on striking, grappling, throwing, joint locks, and weapon applications, all aimed at practical combat. This emphasis on practicality has led it to be known as Combat Changquan.


What to expect at the end of the program?

The first phase of the Changquan Shu program will take between two years to complete. Those who put in the effort and consistent train with the lessons will developing solid stances, agile footwork, adept dodging, and effective application, gradually understanding the offensive and defensive concepts of various traditional martial arts routines.


What is Tsáng Wǔ Gé?

Are you concerned about the potential extinction of quality traditional Chinese martial arts? We need your support to help preserve this beautiful art form. Please read on:

The decline of traditional martial arts, along with the mutual disdain and backbiting between different schools, has resulted in a highly fragmented martial arts community despite the many enthusiasts. Those who are dedicated can only teach and pass on their knowledge on their own. As a traditional martial artist, I suddenly felt a strong sense of mission. I decided to use my years of experience in running a marketing company to extend the successful operational model of BajiShu to other excellent martial arts styles. By collaborating with top-notch young traditional martial arts instructors and leveraging the advantages of our generation—technology—we aim to establish a sustainable framework for the transmission of traditional martial arts.

Thus, "Tsáng Wǔ Gé" (The Vault for Martial Arts) is based on the concept of the Central Guoshu Institute of the past, bringing together the best martial artists in a united effort. Our goal is to recreate a sustainable martial arts society(WûLín), one without mutual slander, secrecy among masters, or the "ten years to master one move" mentality. We envision an organized, professionally managed, and modernized WûLín.

With the primary goal of establishing correct knowledge and training methods for traditional martial arts. The promotional approach of Tsáng Wǔ Gé does not conflict with the efforts of traditional instructors; it will only help to preserve more martial arts talent and expand the market potential of traditional martial arts. This year, we have collaborated with Master Han Jixiang of "Han Men Martial Arts Group" to launch the "Cháng Quán Shú,”(Long Fist Academy) enabling enthusiasts around the globe to systematically learn authentic traditional Cháng Quán. This is not the exaggerated movements seen in martial arts performances or just a basic training routine; it is a profound traditional martial art with real combat value. Following the launch of the Cháng Quán Shú, we will work with top traditional martial arts instructors to successively introduce academies for Shuai Jiao, Wing Chun, Mantis, Xing Yi, Bagua, Hong Gar, JookLum, DaQiang, and other excellent traditional Chinese martial arts systems. We will also offer many related elective courses such as "Herbal Hall," "Acupuncture Hall," and "Martial Arts Language Hall," which will complement the training at each academy.

Tsáng Wǔ Gé is a significant project that requires initial funding to support its operation from the pre-production stage through the first six months. If you, esteemed martial arts seniors and fellow enthusiasts, resonate with the concept of Tsáng Wǔ Gé, we kindly ask for your generous support, no matter how small. Every little bit helps! We also welcome any suggestions and connections you might offer. Thank you!

For more detailed project information and donation methods, please visit the following link:











For any questions, email TsandWuGe administrator at: admin_vmei@tsangwuge.com