Stanley Tam.

This is a letter of my endorsement for Mr. Han Chi-Hsiang as a teacher of his family's Long Fist system. I have been practising martial arts, both traditional Chinese systems and Western combat sports, for 33 years. Of which 20 years has been as a professional martial arts teacher, where I operated a network of schools in China and as a contractor for police and counter terrorism units. I have had the pleasure of training in various Long Fist weaponry with Han Chi-Hsiang in Taiwan.

I found him to be a very passionate teacher who displayed great enthusiasm for the art, he is able to convey traditional ideas in a modern context, and is very open in sharing his knowledge of his family's long fist system. In additional to his family's Long Fist, he is also knowledgeable in a variety of other systems, which adds value to his insights on training and applications. Han Chi-Hsiang is a great example of a martial artist who can adapt traditions into a modern context. It is my pleasure to endorse Mr Han Chi-Hsiang as a teacher in the

Tsang Wu Ge online program.


Stanley Tam on 9 July 2024甲辰年 辛未月 甲戌日

3rd Degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Founder of Shanghai BJJ Academy (SHBJJ)

Director of the Greater China Jiu-jitsu Federation (GCJJF)

Official appointed combatives instructor for:

  • Shanghai Police College Special Police (SWAT) specialisation

  • Zhejiang Police academy

  • People's Public Security University of China (Beijing)

  • People's Armed Police No.9 squadron - Counter Terrorism

  • Qiaosi Prison Riot police unit